Heavy Equipment
With more than 6 million installations since 1976, the Ravelco Anti Theft Device gives Heavy Equipment owner peace of mind.
Heavy equipment theft is a highly lucrative criminal market.
An increasing challenge for heavy equipment owners and operators. According to the National Crime Information Center, there were more backhoes, Bobcats, bulldozers, cranes and front end loaders stolen last year than in any previous year, and those increased costs are being passed directly to you.
Unlike personal auto theft, where vehicles are often recovered when a thief has finished a joy ride or crime spree, the enormous resale value of heavy equipment leads to a very low recovery rate – just 8% – and rising insurance costs. Industry surveys track the costs of heavy equipment theft at nearly $2 billion per year.
As a heavy equipment owner, you can’t afford to risk your valuable equipment, and California Ravelco is pleased to offer our customized heavy equipment installation to you as part of our service, or we can train your mechanics so you can install them yourselves. The Ravelco fits gas or diesel engines, with either electronic or conventional ignition systems, and is the only anti-theft system that has never been defeated.
California & Arizona Ravelco offers fleet rates and flexible installation schedules. Contact us today for a free estimate on how the Ravelco Anti-Theft Device can protect your valuable equipment.

"Ravelco, - I’ve had Ravelco on my F-250 for about 5 years now and it finally happened. This past Saturday at the Galveston bait and tackle boat ramp my truck was broken into and ran sacked. They ripped out my ignition and tried to steal my truck. They were unsuccessful.. Thanks for the great product, it saved my truck and boat trailer from being stolen. Attached is a picture of the damage. Thanks"
– Carsey M.